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Become a model: 9 Ways to make an agency want to sign you

Becoming a model can be glamorous, cool and exciting but extremely difficult to achieve. This is because it is a saturated and competitive market in which very few people succeed. However, it is possible to get a career going within the industry. The first and most successful way of doing this is with the assistance of an agency/agent.

Getting signed by a modelling agency is not simple. Simply looking good won’t work in most cases but having a combination of interesting attributes, skills and characteristics make it easier for an agency to look at you and see potential.

9 ways to make your modelling application stand out,

  1. Interact with their social media

  2. Make your social media accessible

  3. Curate and manage your social media

  4. Follow application instructions

  5. Have good model polaroids

  6. Include a short bio about yourself

  7. Respond promptly if further information is requested

  8. Be patient

  9. Take the opportunity seriously

1. Interact with their social media

 This is the easiest part. Follow them and some of their models and understand the agency. Like comment and share any content you feel suits your career vision. This is an easy way to get noticed and get on their radar. You never know – they might even sign you before you apply.

2. Make your social media accessible

Give them something to look at. Agencies do not like to request to follow an applicant and in most cases they will just write off your application if you can’t provide them with a polaroids/social media.

3. Curate and manage your social media

Modelling agencies will look at your profile like an employer looking at a CV. In most cases your social media will land you an agent. It’s good to curate and manage your social aesthetic as it gives the agent an idea of your potential, personality and creativity. It’s better to have less pictures, than plenty of conflicting images that make it difficult to tell what stage you are at in your career. Quirky is good, creative is good, personal is good as long as you manage it for consistence.

4. Please read and understand the application instructions to the dot.

If they ask for something – it means they need that information. Make the process easier by following their application completely – if they ask for cm’s, don’t give them inches.

5. Have good model polaroids or model digitals

Model polaroids help the agency understand your proportions, shape and look when you are at you most minimal. Always have these ready and make sure they are well lit and show you as clear as possible. This is important. You can find examples on Pinterest


6. Include a short bio

Tell them a little about you. Your hobbies, interests and maybe even why you’ve applied. A short paragraph will help show your personality and improve your likeability.  

7. Respond promptly if further information is requested

Respond promptly if further information is requested. Replying late conveys uncertainty on your end and most agencies will assume you’re not serious. This will taint your application and lower your chances of acceptance. There are thousands of model applications a day – they won’t wait for you.

8. Be patient

Do not email them or call them constantly after you submit your application. Be patient. They will flag you and in certain cases bin your application. Patience and professionalism is vital in the modelling industry.

9. If offered a call/interview -Take it seriously

Make sure you convey that you understand it’s not easy and that you want to really give it a go. Be humble and honest during your interview and be polite. Tell your story and ask questions

Reading recommendation - How to take good model polaroids

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